歡迎來到 香港人才網代理招聘

職位名稱: Supervisor, Office Services    過期職位
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 文憑/證書 工作地點: 中國香港
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗:
更新日期: 2017年02月22日 職位類型:



To ensure a high level of professionalism with both client and client vendors at all times by providing general office administrative support. This position manages client relationship at the first line of contact.  Must have strong interpersonal skills, dealing client needs at all levels :

Supervise a small team to manage the mailroom operation and general office administrative service
Communicate and interact with clients and colleagues in a professional, positive and courteous
Perform the ad hoc requirements from senior management

Diploma holder or above with as least 5 years of experience in the legal field
Computer literate of MS applications
Proven ability to perform duties with little or no supervision
Good leadership skills
Multi-task and prioritize job demands
Strong client-facing and negotiation skills
Strong communication of oral and written in English and Chinese
Good communicator at all levels


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